# ---PrepareProjectFile File for preparing MaBoSS, to be executed with the command "MBSS_PrepareProjectFile.sh File.pmbss" # ---A directory "File" will be created # ---Go to the directory: "cd File/", then run MaBoSS and construct tables within the dedicated shell script: "./File.sh" #----Avoid spaces in file names # #Executable MaBoSS name MABOSS = MaBoSS; # #cfg file CFG = example.cfg; # #BND file BND = example.bnd; # #Construct an initial condition from a previous simulation, by specifying the line number of a probtraj file to set as the initial condition #INIT_COND=[example_mut.bnd,example_mut/example_mut_probtraj.csv,40]; # # Build a cfg file for each single mutation of the specified nodes. MUT=Mdm2nuc Mdm2cyt; # # Extend the set of cfg files by considering mutation combinations up to the specified value COMB_MUT=2; # # Build the cfg file for each parameter variation, specified by an external variable and a suffix to add to the external variable definition VAR_SENS=[$u_Mdm2nuc , -.5] [$u_Mdm2cyt,* 0.01] [$d_Mdm2nuc,+ 0.03]; # #Extend the set of cfg files by considering parameter variation combinations up to the specified value COMB_VAR_SENS=2; # #Compute table of probability trajectories? yes, no or fig (for producing pie and trajectory figures) TRAJ_TABLE=fig; # #Compute table of stationary distribution decomposition? yes (with probability cutoff) or no #STAT_TABLE=[yes,0.004];